Saturday, November 29, 2014

This project was a flyer made for a skating event, that was hosted by my one of my good friends Zeke. I made the poster to get everything to come out on a Tuesday night skate party, for friends, family, and skaters around the area to come out and have a good time. I enjoyed the project and the party and my friend Zeke was very pleased with the outcome of the poster.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

This project design is called "Dream Big". The design was made for myself and myself only. I created this design because, I always think highly positive of my future and where I'm going in life. Like today I'm running behind time without doubt late but steady thinking positive of the work i created in hand. The project is all about dreams and where you wanna be in life with your goals. My dreams are bigger then me and i will succeed in all that i do in life by staying positive.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The art piece that you see in front of you today, is a art piece that i have designed for myself for Mr.Duham's class. I decided to do a piece that relates to me. My art work is not what you see from day to day graphic designers, I mostly illustrator my work because it's better to design it with a hand drawings that i can scan and manipulate my own design the way i want to. The project that was given was to design what drives you, I choose the pictures in my design because they all have meaning for what i stand for and who i am as a person. My design was picked out of many to be displayed in the glass case in south university art gallery my teacher and my self was very pleased with the outcome of the work and decided it should be printed for myself so that i can look back at how far i have came as a designer.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

This art piece was designed for a fellow customer and friend who is starting he’s own hit show on YouTube. The art piece represent he’s starting comedy roast that he started from Vine and ended up on Instagram and YouTube. I started the design as a cartoon character, also going off what he instructed to add I added my own style to the piece using monochromatic colors that are not going to be too bright for the eyes to stray from the art work. The slogan for the comedy skit logo is “Grind Time” the slogan deals with time, the first thing I thought of is using a clock, sense it’s a roasting comedy sketch I figure it should be a broken clock stating you been roasted and broken. After hours of brain storming and sketching the final design I was ready to begin illustrating the cartoon and clock into effect also using Adobe Photoshop for color and layer masking. After editing I got the idea of adding my home town Philly in the back ground because we are both from the same home state where he resides while being in the army. The design only took four hours to complete and by the way it was posted on my friend’s page he enjoyed the outcome with a outstanding caption. He uses it every time now for he’s posts of new videos. I was really happy of the illustration and the time I put  into it the hard work was creating something totally simple with and straight design.   