Wednesday, December 10, 2014

This is a recent project that was done yesterday for a fellow fan of my art work on instagram. He told me he wanted to see me do something with manga comics and anime from he's favorite shows. I told him i could do it in a day, He did not believe me and doubted that i would be finish before the end of the day while we exchange words in my comment box. I mange to finish the project yesterday at 6:30 starting at 8am that morning to get a head start on what type of design i wanted to do. Everything in the design was made custom by me and i even added he's own art work by illustrating it myself also giving him credit as well for he's work. He was more then pleased with the outcome but more less shock that this was done in one day, he did not noticed he's art work till he seen he's instagram name below from it. I'm proud of myself when i look at this and happy i could do this for a fan that supports me.

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